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UX Strategy

Our key UX architects answering why the User Journey Map sometimes works magic, and how it benefits financial companies.

UXDA's Design Pyramid: Implementing DesignOps in Banks and FIs

DesignOps is a system of operations and processes that amplify the value and impact of design in a financial organization, increasing its customer-centricity and creativity.

5 User Research Methods to Design Best Financial Products

There are dozens of research methods available, but from our experience to create a user-centered financial product, five key research methods should be highlighted.

The UX Matrix: Transforming Bank Culture with UX Design Principles

Companies with disruptor culture have the greatest potential. These businesses maximize their chances of success with Value and Design. These elements affect the formation of customer experience within any business. How finance companies can use this knowledge to establish disruptive culture?

Financial Services Design: Building Reputation for the Experience Economy

What is the most valuable thing in any company that can be built and developed over 20 years, but can be destroyed in five minutes? It is brand reputation.

Financial Product Design: Banks Could Learn from "Apple" Strategy

Apple tells us a fantastic story about how a small company that started out serving Silicon Valley became the largest and most famous company that forms our world. We believe that any financial brand can use Apple's design-driven approach to super-charge its business.

Close the Customer Experience Gap: Blindspots That Ruin Digital Banking

How would you react if your FI spent half a million and 2 years on developing a new app but after launching it, the customer satisfaction decreased? There are 7 non-obvious factors that can either lead you to a digital breakthrough OR completely sabotage it.

Digital Banking Strategy: Stay Ahead of the Competition with CX

How can digital banking gain a significantly greater competitive advantage from the banking CX strategy?

Bonding Digital Banking Brands and Customers through Financial UX Design

What does it take to create a banking app that bonds clients and financial institutions? How does user experience in digital banking determine whether there will be a long-lasting relationship between financial brands and their customers? UX strategist, UXDA CEO Alex Kreger provides answers.

Five Digital Banking Challenges Resolved Through Banking Experience Design

How to ensure a positive banking customer experience? Uncover it through 20+ customer experience researches and banking CX design tips.