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UX Banking

What is UX banking about?

UX means user experience, so, the definition of UX banking would be user experience design of digital banking services. 

Banking UX design includes:

1. Digital banking UX
2. Mobile banking UX
3. Online banking UX
4. ATM UX design
5. Other UX design for finance

To design the best UX in banking, it's not enough to simply hire the best UX banking designer. You need to integrate user-centered design principles into your business DNA: strategy, values, culture and decision-making processes. In this way, you can ensure the best possible user experience at all touchpoints of your banking user journey.

UXDA created financial UX design methodology to provide a step-by-step guide to UX design banking. It consists of multiple frames proven through work with 70+ financial institutions in 37 countries.

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